Hi kengkawan,
Sebelum kami melabuhkan ari kitaorg, aku ajak kengkawan2 aku tu cuba kueh (manisan) Rajshahi. Rasanye sgt manis. Ok la jgk tapi manis sgt. Aku rasa diorg tu letak 1kg gula untuk setiap kueh yg d sediakan kot. Tp aku tertarik dgn peragaan dan susunan yg agak menarik n kemas. Setelah mencuba serba sedikit, kami terus ke bilik utk tdo. Oleh kerana kepenatan, kami terus tertdo kecuali aku agak lewat sket dr mereka2 tu. Layan crita Hindustan....best gak....
Pagi2 lagi kami dah bangun coz nak balik awal sket. Dlm perjalanan balik, kami singgah d tempat yg sama tempat kami lunch semlm. tp kali ni breakfast. Makan paratha 6 keping d kongsi 3 org amat mengenyangkan. Tiba2 dtg salah seorg dr pekerja restoran 2 bertanya kan aku "R u from Taiwan?"....huh?...aku pun terpikir panjang sebelum sempat aku jawab, kwn aku cakap, "Malaysia!".....aku senyum...
Lepas makan kami teruskan perjalanan kami. Kami lepasi tebing sungai jamuna yg mana d hubungi oleh multipurpose bridge..kena bayar tol gak....(sempat gak aku gambar tol house!...)
Kami sampai Dhaka around 2ptg n aku lepak.......
Mr. Shark teringin makan pizza...........(T E H n S U e E ~ nak kahwin?)
The Jamuna River (Bangla: যমুনা Jomuna) is one of the three main rivers of Bangladesh. It serves as the main branch of Brahmaputra River, which flows through Tibet (China) and India. It flows into the Padma River (Pôdda) near Goalondo. Merged with the Padma (Pôdda), it meets the Meghna River near Chandpur. It then flows into the Bay of Bengal as the Meghna River. The Jamuna was a barrier in establishing a direct road link between capital Dhaka and northern part of Bangladesh better known as Rajshahi Division until 1996, with the completion Jamuna Multi-Purpose Bridge.
Bangabandhu Jamuna Bridge, more correctly called the Jamuna Multi-purpose Bridge, opened in June 1998, is the longest bridge in Bangladesh and the second longest in South Asia (after Mahatma Gandhi Setu). It was constructed over the Jamuna River, mightiest of the three major rivers of Bangladesh, and fifth largest in the world in terms of volumetric discharge.
The bridge established a strategic link between the eastern and western parts of Bangladesh. It generates multifarious benefits for the people and especially, promotes inter-regional trade in the country. Apart from quick movement of goods and passenger traffic by road and rail, it facilitated transmission of electricity and natural gas, and integration of telecommunication links. The bridge, stretching from tangail to sirajganj is located on the Asian Highway and the Trans-Asian Railway which, when fully developed, will provide uninterrupted international road and railway links from South-east Asia to North-west Europe.
The bridge established a strategic link between the eastern and western parts of Bangladesh. It generates multifarious benefits for the people and especially, promotes inter-regional trade in the country. Apart from quick movement of goods and passenger traffic by road and rail, it facilitated transmission of electricity and natural gas, and integration of telecommunication links. The bridge, stretching from tangail to sirajganj is located on the Asian Highway and the Trans-Asian Railway which, when fully developed, will provide uninterrupted international road and railway links from South-east Asia to North-west Europe.